The Magic of the Ancient Method: Cultivating Qigong

Chinese qigong has always been covered by a veil of mystery. Qigong can cure diseases, even cure incurable diseases in medicine. This is so strange. Scientific research has found that when a cultivator reaches a certain level, he will emit thousands of times more energy than the average human body.

Picture 1 of The Magic of the Ancient Method: Cultivating Qigong

Falun Gong meditation.

Qigong has long been studied in China

With the advent of high-tech devices, scientists have had the opportunity to learn what qigong is. In 1998, Ms. Lu Yanfang (Lu Yanfang), who is working at a national research institute in Beijing, along with dozens of American scientists, began to study qigong masters. in China.

Research has found that qigong masters can emit extremely powerful infrasound waves, 100 to 1,000 times more powerful than the average person. People with weak infrasound waves such as the elderly or patients, if they practice qigong, after a few weeks can emit infrasound energy 5 times higher than before exercise.

As early as 1988, a similar study by the Beijing Chinese Academy of Medicine came to the same conclusion. The results of these two studies are detailed in the report of the Chinese Institute of Health.

  1. American associate professor writes about qigong and ancient cultivation culture

In fact, qigong is an ancient cultivation method

Qigong is an ancient cultivation method, in ancient times called cultivation. Sitting meditation is a basic cultivation skill in the Taoist or Buddhist schools. Many studies have shown that different energies emitted by meditators can control metabolism and other bodily functions. Furthermore, these energies can all be measured with the instrument.

In 2004, Stanford University neuroscientist Richard Davidson used electroencephalogram (EEG) tests and brain scans, to study the energy emitted by Tibetan lamas when they meditate.

Mr. Davidson tested the gamma rays emitted by the brains of some highly pious lamas. Some of them have been cultivating for 15-40 years. In addition, 10 people with no experience in cultivation or meditation will form a control group.

He discovered that the gamma-ray activity produced by some lamas was stronger than any recorded in previous historical documents. Compared with the control group, the gamma rays emitted by the lamas were more organized.

Gamma rays in the human brain are among the 'highest and most important' brain waves.' Generating gamma rays requires thousands of neurons to work simultaneously at extremely high speeds. The results of this study were recorded and stored in the Stanford University database.

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In 2002, researchers conducted an experiment on Tibetan lamas in northern India.

In a room at 4°C, the lamas dressed in thin clothes, with sheets soaked in cold water slung over their shoulders, and began to meditate, deep in meditation.

If it was a normal person, under such conditions, they would tremble uncontrollably. Some people will die from hypothermia. However, the temperature of the lamas remained within the normal range. The cold and damp sheets on their bodies had been 'dried' by the heat of their bodies.

The researchers removed the dry sheets and continued to squeeze the wet and colder sheets over the lamas. This experiment lasted for several hours, and each lama 'dried' 3 towels.

Picture 2 of The Magic of the Ancient Method: Cultivating Qigong

Screenshot of the results of this study in the 'Harvard University Gazette.'

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Practitioners must raise moral standards

The researchers published the results of this study in the 'Harvard University Gazette.' Researcher Herbert Benson argues that the heat emanating from a lama is just a by-product of meditation. 'Buddhists believe that the reality of our lives is not the final reality. There is another realm that is not affected by our emotions and the real world. Buddhists believe that this realm can be attained by giving alms to others and meditating.'

Giving to others is the 'altruistic' (for others) realm in cultivation. Meditation can increase the physical energy of the human body. But according to the world of cultivation, matter and spirit are one nature (both are one). Therefore, at the same time, cultivators must raise their moral standards (xinh) in order to raise their level.

In 2000, CBS's "Health Watch" aired an article by medical writer Lara C. Pullen, interviewing several people who talked about the therapeutic potential of the ancient practice of Falun Gong. of China.

Mr. Duong Sam, a chronic hepatitis patient from Chicago said: 'The doctor told me that there is no way to completely cure my disease. I'll have to stick with it for the rest of my life.'

Mr. Yang Sam chose and began to practice a Chinese qigong (Falun Gong) that was introduced to the United States. He strictly adheres to the requirements of this ancient Buddhist practice, striving to raise his own moral standards. After a period of re-examination, all 32 of his test reports were normal. His hepatitis was completely cured. Sign up for a meditation class to train both mind and body here.

Cultivation culture is often expressed in the form of Buddhism and Taoism. Qigong is also a cultivation practice. Moreover, it benefits ordinary people in a simpler way. But you must adhere to the requirements of cultivation in order to truly achieve the miraculous effect of curing disease and enhancing physical strength.