The mathematical model predicts the revenue of the film

Researchers at the Department of Applied and Physical Mathematics at Tottori University in Japan have set up a mathematical model that can help predict. the success rate of a movie on revenue.

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Picture 1 of The mathematical model predicts the revenue of the film

The researchers used the daily advertising costs of 25 films to be screened at Japanese theaters such as "Avatar," "Da Vinci Code," "Pirates of the Caribbean 3," or " Spider-Man 3 " as the metrics to build the model.

In addition, they have evaluated the level of advertising around the movies through the number of times they are uploaded to social networks and the ability of an individual to go to a movie theater in Japan.

According to the researchers, the results of graphical calculations corresponded very much to the actual sales of the films and led them to think that the mathematical model could provide a comparable measure. The success of a movie, even before it is shown.

This model can be applied to other commercial markets such as online music, carbonated beverages or local events.