The model is most used by pilots in the world

Cessna 172 is one of the most produced aircraft in the world during the past 60 years and is dedicated to pilot training.

Cessna 172 is one of the most produced aircraft in the world during the past 60 years and is dedicated to pilot training.

Cessna civil aircraft company, USA, began manufacturing Cessna 172 aircraft in 1956, and so far the company has produced more than 43,000 units, according to the BBC. Cessna 172 has experienced countless improvements over the past 60 years, but aircraft still basically look like the early days.

Picture 1 of The model is most used by pilots in the world

Cessna 172 is the most produced aircraft in history.(Photo: iStock).

Cessna 172 aircraft has enough seats for 4 people, reaching a maximum speed of 226km / h. With a tank full of fuel, the pilot can fly a plane up to 1,290km, equivalent to the distance from New York to Wisconsin, USA.

For the past 60 years, Cessna 172 is often used in pilot training schools around the world. Many pilots made the first flight in life with the Cessna 172. The reason is that this type of aircraft is easy to control, the aircraft wings are higher than the cockpit to help pilots better observe when landing. .

"The pilots have been on Cessna 172 more than any other aircraft in the world. It really fits the pilot training environment , " Doug May, vice president of the airline. Textron, USA, said.

Landing aircraft Cessna 172.

Update 18 December 2018



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