The moon once existed with a concentrated atmosphere

New research shows that the Moon once had an atmosphere a few billion years ago thanks to volcanic eruption.

US scientists discovered on the Moon that the atmosphere existed about 3 to 4 billion years ago, Futurism reported on October 7. This atmosphere forms when volcanoes erupt and push gas up so fast that they are not yet dispersed into the universe.

The surface of the Moon has many sunken areas filled with volcanic rocks . These volcanic rocks form when the underlying ghost is sprayed upwards, creating lava flows.

Picture 1 of The moon once existed with a concentrated atmosphere
The Moon has been covered by the atmosphere.(Photo: NASA MSFC).

NASA astronauts from NASA missions have brought some specimens from these volcanic rocks to Earth. Previous analyzes show that lava flows on the Moon contain CO, some other gases, sulfur, even ice blocks.

However, the US science group has studied these specimens further and found that the Moon has kept the atmosphere for a short time. The research team used specimens to calculate the amount of air that has risen and accumulated into a temporary atmosphere. They found that the volcanic activity on the Moon was strongest at 3.5 billion years ago, helping this celestial atmosphere reach its thickest.

However, the Moon's atmosphere only formed and survived about 70 million years before disappearing into space. During this period, the Moon is nearly three times closer to Earth, so if you look at it from the Earth, the Moon is much larger.

The moon does not have the atmosphere due to the lack of magnetic fields and the mass is large enough to keep the atmosphere around, unlike Earth. The atmosphere formed on the Moon will quickly be dispelled by the solar wind.

"The study has dramatically changed the concept of the Moon, from a rock-like object and without air to a place that has been covered by more atmosphere than Mars today," said David Kring, a scientist at the Association. University Space Research (USRA) said.

New information has great significance for astronauts as well as future missions to explore the Moon and space exploration. The study also showed that volatiles from the atmosphere can settle near the poles of the moon in cold and dark areas. If so, ice will still exist on the Moon for astronauts to create drinking water, produce food and use it for other needs.

Ice and condensate volatile substances can also provide fuel and air for Moon missions, even other space missions. The resources available on the Moon will help people save considerable costs because they do not have to transport them from the Earth to the universe anymore.