The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space

For half a century, people have listened to the sounds of civilizations outside humanity, and we have captured many mysterious and unexplainable signals even today.

Because the sound cannot be transmitted in space, the universe seems to be a quiet, quiet place. However, in fact, the universe is very noisy and boisterous.

Most celestial bodies emit radio waves but the human ear cannot hear at this wavelength. People can only catch waves with specialized receivers. There are many signals and sounds that we have identified since we started hearing radio waves from the universe.

For half a century, people listen to sounds from civilizations outside of humanity. In fact, many mysterious and unexplainable signals have been captured.

Picture 1 of The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space
Picture 2 of The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space
Picture 3 of The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space
Picture 4 of The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space
Picture 5 of The mysterious, inexplicable signals from space