The mystery inside the meteorite pattern that year fell to earth in 1969

After decades of conducting research and analysis of meteorite samples Allende once fell in the area of ​​Chihuahua state, in northern Mexico in 1969, scientists discovered a completely new mineral called panguite.

Panguite is said to be one of the oldest minerals in the solar system, dating back about 4.5 billion years. Of the refractory group, panguite is more likely to form under extremely harsh conditions with the very high temperatures of the early solar system.

Picture 1 of The mystery inside the meteorite pattern that year fell to earth in 1969
Panguite - a new mineral found in the Allende meteorite model. (Photo: Caltech / Chi Ma)

The International Mineralogical Association has approved and recognized this new mineral under the name Pan Gu - the god of Chinese mythology that created the world by separating the yin and yang, forming the earth and voting. God.

Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scientists found the chemical composition and crystal structure of panguite completely new. 'This discovery is particularly interesting because it was a material that people had never known before,' said Chi Ma, a senior scientist at Caltech, speaking in the July issue of American Mineralogist magazine .

The Allende meteorite of the largest carbon chondrit group found on Earth, is a rare primitive meteorite left over from the early planet formation, possibly originating from a small planet in the middle of orbit. Mars and Jupiter.

The study of panguite as well as other components of meteorite Allende contributed to providing insights into the origin of the solar system, Chi Ma said. In fact, the team discovered nine new minerals, including panguite, in the Allende universe.

Reference: Livescience