The mystery of hunch

Curiously, in life everyone has at least one intuition told. That premonition or premonition is often called the "sixth sense" and is now of interest to many scientists.

Mysterious stories of hunches

History has many proofs for that. Russian scientist Mendeleev (1834-1907), who invented the law of circulating chemical elements , dreamed of showing the entire periodic table in the immediate future. This could be explained because he had studied this problem for decades and by the time he matured, the result would appear in his dream, he just sat up and copied.

Poet Nag Lermontov (1814-1841) recounted the story when he was a border officer in Kabkaz. One day he was sitting playing cards with his soldiers and seeing a person with a different face from his usual day, he said to him: "You have to be on guard, maybe you're going to die unexpectedly. Tonight, you should sleep at the border guard station and come back tomorrow morning . The soldier did not believe, left and along the road was stabbed by a drunk.

Picture 1 of The mystery of hunch

As for the science of the predictive nature, as well as learning , many scientists have invented mines thanks to hunches . Russia's Xobolev academician found diamonds in the Iakutsk region, academician Muratov (1908-1983) found oil in the West Xibri region all told by instinct. This can also be explained by their experience and comparisons with other parts of the world, but on the other hand, spirituality also plays a very important role.

Sometimes intuition is completely contrary to logic, thinking but appropriate.Napoleon (1769-1821), when he attacked Russia in 1812, had a premonition that he would fail, but he kept going, because according to him, the greatness was only one step away from the absurd.

It is clear that long ago, many scholars had a headache because the emotional world always lurked around us, right in our thoughts but extremely mysterious.

Recently, Zarubejom (November 1995) republished Time's article (August 1995): "A feeling is a feeling or a rule ?". Here is a quote from the article: "The problem of hunch is clearly a big secret. There is a very dialectical mindset of scientists that we sometimes forget: Before a problem we I don't understand it, I don't explain it, because doing so leads me to a dead end, in those cases, it is best to acknowledge my unknown and not to make it a reality. Because, the universe is endless, full of secrets and every day we only know a little more in that great unknown, but as long as ants are full, we go on searching. and maybe find a rule that governs the whole universe ".

Picture 2 of The mystery of hunch

What is more puzzling is the signal we feel, which we call " the sixth sense " is the whisper of some supernatural power or the natural attribute of mankind? Because clearly, spirituality is not the result of the thinking process, it is outside of logical and dialectic. But it is paradoxical, the logic that intuition tells, in many cases seems reasonable and is what needs to be done.

In the past, the common perception is that women have a higher premonition than men. The woman solves many problems arising from feelings . On the contrary, the man always goes from the logic of the problem. But there are also many well-known inventions of male scientists starting from feeling. The great Austrian composer Mozart (1756-1791) affirmed that each of his musical works is the crystallization of inspiration, creative thinking and intuition. British physicist, mathematician and astronomer Newton (1642-1727) had to admit that spirituality had led him to great inventions.

Historically, not only scientists, military but also politicians have the ability to be inspired by a number of problems. Some famous people also thanks to the "6th sense " that escapes death. British politician Churchchill (1874-1965), won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953, twice as British Prime Minister (1940-1945) and (1951-1955), once escaped death in the bombardment of air Nazi troops are due to intuition. In 1944, Churchchill was just about to leave the missile battle, when German airstrikes hit. The driver hurriedly broke the engine for the car. For some reason, Churchchill refused to get into the car and the loop ran behind him. At that moment, a bomb exploded right next to the door of the car, made a big bomb crater, right where Churchchill stood. In his memoirs, Churchchill writes: "It seems that there is an inner strength that tells me to leave right there."

Here comes a question: "Can ordinary people have a premonition? " As mentioned above, everyone has more or less this ability.

The American Scandal newspaper in 1994 published a story about a mother's strange dream : It is said that, in 1865, a young man, five-year-old Maks Hoffman of Wisconsin, suffered from cholera. The doctor said there was no hope of saving him. Three days later, the boy breathed his last breath and everyone buried him in the village cemetery. That night, in a dream, the mother heard the sound of a boy turning over in a coffin. She cried and ran to her husband, asking him to go to the grave to save him. The husband of course refused. He explained to his wife that she was too injured to see her.

But the next night, the mother dreamed again. This time, she was determined to save her family with her family. It was almost midnight. People hang lights on tree branches next to the grave and dig up. When the lid of the coffin was opened, everyone was taken aback, because the boy was lying in the position that the mother saw in his dream: " You lie on your right side, two hands are folded under your right cheek" . The boy has no expression of life. But the father still picked up the child by all means of artificial respiration. After an hour, the miracle happened: The boy gradually regained consciousness. Then everyone sought ways to help him recover his health and cure his cholera. Later, Maks Hoffman lived to 80 years old (1860-1940) in Lincoln City (Iowa State, USA). The most precious souvenir of his life was a small iron knob in the lid of the coffin, from which he was saved by his mother's dream.