The nose smelled 1,000 billion different smells

Recent research by US scientists said that the nose and brain of people can distinguish 1,000 billion different odors, many times more than the previous study said that the nose can only smell 10,000 smells.

Picture 1 of The nose smelled 1,000 billion different smells
Artwork: Alamy

In the laboratory study, each of the 26 volunteers sniffed the odors in three small vials, in which two vials contained nearly the same smell. Participants must then identify and distinguish other odors from the remaining two odors. The amount of smell is synthesized and made from 128 chemicals that create odors.

After hundreds of experiments with each individual, experts found that each person had the ability to distinguish and smell at least 1,000 billion different odors.The ability to distinguish odors generated from related compounds also varies in one person and another.

According to Popsci, this experiment is similar to a listening test that participants must distinguish between different voices.

Experts at Rockefeller University in New York said the findings could provide information about human ability.

Previous research has shown that the nose can only smell 10,000 smells.