The odd odd under the nail

Do you know nails that can reveal clues to your health? A piece of white mixed with pink may be a sign of illness in the body. Problems in the liver, lungs and heart can show up in your nails. Read on to learn the secrets that nails can reveal.

Picture 1 of The odd odd under the nail

1. Nails are pale

Picture 2 of The odd odd under the nail

Pale nails are often related to age, but they can also be a sign of a serious disease such as: Anemia; Heart failure; Diabetes; Liver failure; Malnutrition.

2. Nails are white

Picture 3 of The odd odd under the nail

If your fingernails are white with darker borders, you may have liver problems such as hepatitis. In this image you can see that the fingers also get yellow, one of the symptoms of liver disease

3. Nails are yellow

Picture 4 of The odd odd under the nail

One of the most common causes of yellow nails is fungal infection. When severely infected, the nails may shrink, nails thicken and break. In rare cases, yellow nails can be a sign of a more serious disease such as thyroid disease or severe psoriasis.

4. Nails are slightly blue

Picture 5 of The odd odd under the nail

The blue-colored fingernail may be missing oxygen. This may indicate that you have a lung infection, such as pneumonia.

5. Nails are wavy

Picture 6 of The odd odd under the nail

If the nail surface is wavy or puffy, it may be an early sign of psoriasis or arthritis. Psoriasis is a skin disease that about 10% of the disease begins in the nail.

6. Nails cracked or peeled

Picture 7 of The odd odd under the nail

Dry, brittle nails that are often cracked or separated have often been associated with thyroid disease. Cracking or peeling and yellowing are more likely to be infected with fungi.

7. The nail is lumpy like a fold

Picture 8 of The odd odd under the nail

If the skin around the fingernails appears red and swollen, then it may be a nail infection. It may be the result of tuberculosis or other connective tissue disorder.

8. There are black streaks under the nail

Picture 9 of The odd odd under the nail

If there is a black stain under the fingernails, you should be examined as soon as possible. They are sometimes caused by malignant melanoma, a very dangerous form of skin cancer.

9. Biting nails

Picture 10 of The odd odd under the nail

Nail biting may be just a habit, but in some cases it is a sign of anxiety that occurs when there is a certain treatment. Nail biting is also associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you can't stop, you should see a doctor.

10. Nails are only a part for reference

Picture 11 of The odd odd under the nail

Despite the changes of nails that come with many conditions, it is very rare for the first signs of pathology. Sometimes abnormal nail signs are harmless, not everyone with white nails has hepatitis. If you are concerned about the unusual appearance of your nails, see a dermatologist.