The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day

The only brown panda in the world weighs 100kg, eating 40kg of bamboo every day and is growing healthy at the training center in Shaanxi Province, China.

Picture 1 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
Li Zi, the only brown panda alive in the world, is growing healthy at the Buddha Panda Wild Training Center, Shaanxi Province, China, reported on October 13.

Picture 2 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
Thất Tử, 6 years old, is a male panda with a rare brown fur, while his mother has a normal black-and-white coat.

Picture 3 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
It was transferred to the Buddha Binh Wild Panda Training Center in December 2014.The panda's current weight is 100kg, 11kg more than when he first arrived.

Picture 4 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
Liao Tu must eat more than 40kg of bamboo every day.The training center said it has good health and stability, and its wild instincts have also been enhanced.

Picture 5 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
"Zengzi reacts more slowly than other pandas but it is very lovely. Every panda here has its own name. When I call their names, black and white pandas will come to me immediately, while That Tu lost a while to realize, " said Ha, a member of That Tu's care team.

Picture 6 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
The first brown panda in the world named Dan Dan was found in Buddha County in 1985. So far, a total of 8 brown pandas have been discovered and recorded in the world.Thất Tử is the eighth child to be found and is the only child alive.

Picture 7 of The only brown pandas in the world eat 40kg of bamboo each day
Zoologists intended to let Tu Tu mating with the usual black and white panda.They hope that through research can explain the reason for its brown fur.