The opportunity to find extraterrestrial beings is approaching

The UK's leading astronomer claims the opportunity to find creatures in the universe is growing thanks to the tremendous development of technology.

The BBC said that scientists around the world had just arrived in London to attend an international conference on the prospect of discovering extraterrestrial civilization at the invitation of the Royal Society. The seminar - entitled "The discovery of outer civilization and its consequences for society and science" - takes place on the 25th and 26th of January.

Speaking at the conference, Martin Ress, president of the British Royal Society, said that discovering extraterrestrial beings would be a landmark event for humanity. It will change the perception of civilization in our planet and the world in the universe.

Picture 1 of The opportunity to find extraterrestrial beings is approaching

Artwork of off-earth creatures on page.

Scientists have broadcast radio and television signals into space in the past 50 years in the hope that extraterrestrial organisms will receive signals and responses. Although they have not received any messages, Rees still believes that the opportunity to find extraterrestrial beings is coming closer than ever.

"Technology has evolved to the point where we can find planets that are not bigger than the earth and revolve around a star. We can also know whether those planets have continents and oceans, vote. What kind of air they are, " Rees said.

The advent of telescopes capable of detecting a planet-like planet made it possible for scientists to focus on finding creatures in the universe.

"If we find a living creature, even if it is the simplest form of life, somewhere in the universe, it will surely be one of the greatest discoveries in the 21st century , " Rees said.

However, astronomer Marek Kukula of the Royal Astronomical Observatory said that governments and the United Nations should join efforts to find extraterrestrial creatures, because they are very likely to be intelligent and aggressive.

Professor Simon Conway Morris - an evolutionary biologist of Cambridge University, UK - also thinks that humans need to be prepared for the worst situation in an effort to find other civilizations. According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, evolution takes place throughout the universe. So Morris thinks that the intelligent creature that exists somewhere in the universe is "likely to happen".

Referring to the status of scientists signaling into the universe to seek other civilizations but have not gained any results, Morris said that if he was an extraterrestrial creature and he received the signal, not sure he wanted to answer.