The otter is lost

An otter was rescued by a car driver after being discovered on the roadside in Aberdeenshire. Currently, this young otter has been taken to a wildlife conservation center for care.

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The otter Ron was saved

Lesley Crockett, senior inspector of Scotland SPCA, said: After drifting from the Deveron River, a baby otter was lucky to be spotted by a car driver in the Huntly suburb on a murky day and pouring rain, and it was taken to a veterinarian at Strathbogie. Here he was dried, cared for and fed overnight before being transported to our Wildlife Rescue Center. We are extremely grateful to the person who discovered and brought the otter to the veterinarians.

Now this otter is named Ron, he is taken care of by the Scottish SPCA wildlife rescue center at Fife.

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Ron is being fed by rescue workers

Colin Seddon, director of the Wildlife Rescue Center at Middlebank, said: "Ron is being bottle fed, every 4 hours and from 7 am to midnight . When he can feed himself, it will be taken to the International Otter Conservation Fund on a small island in Skye, where it will enjoy all the benefits along with other otters of the same age. '

Director Colin Seddon also said: Our long-term goal is to return it to nature, but it still has a long way to go.

The otters usually depend on their mother until they are about 12 months old, so an orphan otter like Ron needs to be protected and cared for until it can adapt to the natural environment. He also confided: This baby otter is like a survivor of a disaster, so we hope it will be well cared for and will grow like other normal otters.