The roots of dandelion grass can cure blood cancer

According to the results of a study by Canadian University of Windsor scientists, the substance extracted from China's dandelion root may cause lymphoma cells to "die on their own."

Picture 1 of The roots of dandelion grass can cure blood cancer
Dandelion. (Source: Internet)

After finding two blood cancer patients who could not be treated with chemotherapy that had been healthy after a period of drinking dandelion grass tea, the researchers tried extracting and testing the substance from the herb root. This is for leukemia cells.

The test was very successful when leukemia cells " died" within 24 hours, while normal cells were not affected.

The new discovery by the University of Windsor team can help cancer patients, who are resistant to chemotherapy drugs, have more opportunities to treat non-toxic herbs.

The research team is continuing to expand the program in the hope of making a new drug to treat blood cancer soon.