The secret of people rarely gets sick

If you want to be like people who rarely get sick, you should know the secrets such as taking a cold bath, eating yogurt, not sitting long, having many friends .

Here are 8 habits that help you stay healthy and rarely get sick.

1. Do not sit for a long time

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Sitting for a long time will be "very detrimental to your health even if you regularly exercise on the spot you sit ", this is the view of Gene Stone, the author of the book "Secrets of those who don't now sick " . In fact, it is. Those who do administrative work, office, computer sitting . due to sitting for a long time, the body lacks exercise, will cause the bowel, stomach and stomach to weaken, the digestive juices also reduce .

Sitting for a long time makes food intolerant to the body will not burn completely and will accumulate, causing stomach, intestines to rest, long-term leading to digestive diseases. Many people work in one place suffering from neck pain, neck pain, shoulder, lumbago due to blood circulation.

Therefore, those who care about their health are those who regularly mobilize despite being at work. They have a habit of standing up and walking after about 1-2 hours of sitting and working hard.

2. Cold water bath

Cold water baths improve blood circulation, enhance circulation under the skin, strengthen your immune system to help you stay healthy. In addition, taking a cold bath can help improve your mood and energize your body.

A study of people who regularly swim in Berlin shows that exposure to cold water levels is also a natural way to enhance the effectiveness of antioxidants in the body.

In case you can not stand the cold water, you should not bathe too hot.

3. Expanding social relations

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People with good social relationships often have a healthy immune system and are less likely to have infections in the body, according to a Swedish study. Also according to this study, people with little or no close friends are at higher risk of heart attack than those with 50% more friends.

The reason that your social relationship affects your health is because you can easily share your thoughts with many people to relieve your psychology and avoid unnecessary stress.

4. Eat garlic daily

Garlic works to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body, repel staph infections and act as a powerful antioxidant . so eating garlic is a way to help children. healthy people.

In fact, scientists from the University of Western Australia show that people who regularly consume garlic daily will reduce the risk of getting sick compared to those who eat less garlic. If you want to be healthy, avoid illness, eat raw or cooked garlic depending on your preference.

5. Napping

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Just a few minutes of siesta also helps your body quickly regain energy and enhance the effectiveness of fighting against disease in the body. Sleep naps also make immune cells increase, reducing the risk of calcium accumulating in the heart arteries and limiting the production of harmful hormones in the body. These hormones appear when the body is tired, the resistance decreases and they cause the body to lose its ability to repair damaged cells in the body.

So, to be healthy, take a little nap during the 1-3 pm time because this is the most ideal time for your body to recover and regain energy for the afternoon and evening.

6. Yoga

Yoga is one of the methods of exercise that regulates the performance of the five organs, making the nervous system smooth, blood and blood becoming abundant, all the above and below relationships, in addition to adding bundles, help the body adapt well to changes in the external environment. Yoga training also helps the body to build its own air, restore and maintain the balance of yin and yang.

Regular participation in yoga sessions can also reverse some of the risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and obesity.

7. Cut down on calories

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Research has shown that eating less "positive overall health effects" and "a diet that limits excess calories in the body will help you reduce your risk of blood pressure, reduce cholesterol . ".

However, if you eat too much to reduce calories, you may face the risk of nutritional deficiencies and vitamins. To limit this situation, you need to pay attention to eating, still eating enough nutrients but with a moderate amount.

8. Eat yogurt daily

This probiotic contains many living bacteria that are good for health. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and also works to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.

That's why healthy people often have the habit of eating yogurt daily.

9. Regular body massage

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Massages can reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate.

Most studies have shown that massage has the potential to reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate. This is also an important factor to make the immune system healthier.

Any type of massage is good for your health, as long as you use a moderate force. Do not use force that is too light or too strong, otherwise your body will be in pain.

There is no scientific study to show how much we should massage. But according to medical experts, massage once a month or more will bring the best effect.

10. Use ginger

Ginger has long been known as a "good medicine" for people with intestinal diseases, including constipation. Researchers also said that in ginger contains many compounds that stimulate digestion and improve the intestinal tract.

Ginger can be dried, pulverized or cooked, but it is best to add tea or eat directly.

11. Wash your hands often

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Hand washing is the most basic method to prevent disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hand washing is the most basic method to prevent colds.

Wash with regular soap with warm water for at least 20 seconds. Scrub all parts of the hand, not only the palms but also the nails. Then dry with a paper towel or a dry face towel.

12. Supplement vitamin C and zinc

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps boost immune system activity, participating in the production of some neurotransmitters and hormones. In particular, vitamin C is also an important antioxidant.

Zinc is involved in many important biological processes in the body, increasing immunity. Zinc deficiency will lead to low blood pressure, slow bone growth, anorexia, and even loss of smell.

Thus, when adding both vitamin C and zinc, the body will double the resistance, help the wound heal, especially in enhancing skin rejuvenation, regenerating new skin areas.