The similarity between sex addicts and drug addicts

New research has shown that the brain activity of drug addicts and sexual addicts has similarities.

To reach this conclusion, Dr. Valerie Voon and colleagues from Cambridge conducted a trial with 19 male sexual addicts and 19 healthy people.

Participants were asked to watch a series of short videos with normal content - pornography - sports.

While watching the film, the researchers will follow their brain activity using magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Picture 1 of The similarity between sex addicts and drug addicts

The study results showed that the three regions of the brain, including the abdomen, the amygdala and the anterior part of the belt, have increased activity , similar to the brain of the drug addict.

The striated abdomen and the anterior part are involved in prediction, while the amygdala helps establish the chain of events and emotions. Participants were also asked to assess the level of sexual desire after they finished watching the videos.

Experts found that sexual addicts had a higher level of desire for porn videos than just watching images. Similarly, drug addicts seek drug behavior because they want instead of using other stimulants such as alcohol, beer .

Dr Valerie Voon said: "This finding will help us better understand the disease status of people with sexual addiction. Because, people with sexual addiction often have difficulty controlling behavior. This has caused a significant impact on their lives and relationships. "

Picture 2 of The similarity between sex addicts and drug addicts

Dr. John Williams, head of the Neurological and Neuroscience Department at the Wellcome Trust Institute, added: "The act of rape, watching pornographic pornography and gambling is becoming increasingly popular.

This study takes us one step further to understand why these behaviors are repeated. Thereby helping researchers solve sexual addiction, abuse drugs and provide the best method to break this cycle ".

The study was published in PLoS ONE magazine.