Buprenorphine lozenges are drugs that treat drug addiction, equivalent to Methadone, to help eliminate drug cravings completely.
According to recent research, scientists have found similarities in the brains of people who like junk food and drug addiction.
Addictive heroin, resulting in weight loss, abscess, scaly skin and dark spots, serious cavities; from there devastating human face.
New research has shown that the brain activity of drug addicts and sexual addicts has similarities.
In fact, according to new calculations, a cigarette can take nearly 14 minutes of lifespan.
Research shows that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes can cause users to switch to taking heavier drugs, even cocaine.
The anti-drug vaccine has been developed by a team of researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College (New York). They are the first to test a new treatment against addiction.
Researchers at the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and prepared to test it on humans. The heroin-dependent vaccine
Previous research has shown these differences, but it is unclear how the brain is destroyed by addiction and the reason why it is easier for them to get into addiction than others.
Canadian scientists said that drug addicts participating in public and supervised injecting centers would be more likely to give up the substance than sneaky injecting drug users.