Bim 'addictive' is no different from drugs

According to recent research, scientists have found similarities in the brains of people who like junk food and drug addiction.

Junk food or the popular way of calling in Vietnam is "bim bim" , very popular all over the world even though everyone knows they are one of the causes of obesity. That's not all the harm of junk food. In addition to facing the risk of food safety and hygiene, fast food lovers are being "poisoned" every day.

Picture 1 of Bim 'addictive' is no different from drugs
Good junk food in Vietnam is "bim bim" , very popular all over the world.

Neurologist Tony Goldstone of Imperial University (UK) said he has found similarities in the brains of fast food lovers and drug addicts.

Specifically, obese or overweight volunteers will have to sit and look at photographs of different dishes while researchers scan the brain.

The results showed that the brains of the volunteers reacted with intense intensity when they saw images of energy-rich foods such as fried potato and bim. Their intensity is as strong as those of alcoholics who see a bottle of alcohol or drug addicts see cocaine. Meanwhile, when the image is just vegetables or fish, the brain reacts quite gently.

Picture 2 of Bim 'addictive' is no different from drugs
Snacks are usually light and pleasant, promoting the desire to eat up.

Dr. Goldstone explained that junk food is usually light and pleasant, which promotes the desire to eat up. Our brain has evolved to always feel craving for food that supplies energy like them.

In another study of the University of Leeds appetite , the researchers found that we will continue to eat our package until it runs out, regardless of whether it is large or small. Especially if you are distracted like reading a book or watching a movie, we cannot even realize how much junk food we have eaten.