The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam

Cats are animals which are afraid of water. Yet in Vietnam there are cats that are very good at swimming and catching fish. It is a wild cat called fish cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), living in mangrove forests in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.

Picture 1 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Fish cat scientific name is Prionailurus viverrinus

Picture 2 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Fish cats have a look quite similar to the common wild cats with mottled feathers, but have a life attached to the water.

Picture 3 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Kittens have become acquainted with water since a very young age.

Picture 4 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Cats born 1 - 4 kittens.



Picture 5 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Instead of hunting terrestrial prey like other cats, they look for food in the water.

Picture 6 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
They are excellent "fishmen".

Picture 7 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Fish cats can grab prey from above, and can dive deep to catch fish in the bottom of the water.

Picture 8 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam

Picture 9 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
These are excellent swimmers.

Picture 10 of The strange cat loves swimming and catching fish well in Vietnam
Fish cats are now at risk of extinction in Vietnam due to excessive hunting for meat, fur or livestock.