The talking cat and the robot serve breakfast

The Sega Toy machine cat dimmed his eyes and moaned softly when he was caressing, while also getting angry when pulled on his tail. Meanwhile, breakfast robots can hold bread without cracking.

Picture 1 of The talking cat and the robot serve breakfast

Machine cats know how to stretch their legs when scratching their abdomen and are uncomfortable when being pulled to the tail.Photo: Daily Mail.

Sega Toy (Japan) has just released a kind of cat machine capable of acting like a real cat thanks to special tactile sensors. The computer cat named Yume-Neko Venus can shake his head, close his eyes, stand up, lie down and moan softly when stroked. Like real cats, it will curl up and automatically switch to sleep mode when there is nothing to do.

Once you lie down, your cat will stretch her legs if you scratch her stomach and it will be "uncomfortable" when you pull her tail. Although Yume-Neko Venus is not able to mouse-click, it is also known as "meow" to repel them. These descendants of Doraemon will appear on the market since July this year. Sega Toy hopes people who are allergic to real cat hair will like their products.

Picture 2 of The talking cat and the robot serve breakfast

Twendy-One can clamp a cake without crushing it.Photo: AP.

Meanwhile, to help those who are afraid to cook in the morning, scientists at Waseda University (Japan) have built a robot capable of cooking breakfast and bringing food to the owner. Its name is Twendy-One. Equipped with petite arms and hands like women, Twendy-One is capable of picking, grasping and manipulating small objects such as chopsticks, soft drinks, spoons.

During the premiere, this robot held a loaf of bread without cracking, baking and bringing the tray of food to a disabled person in a wheelchair.

Picture 3 of The talking cat and the robot serve breakfast

Robots can pick up and hold small objects like water straws.Photo: AP.

The design team believes that Twendy-One will change the lives of the elderly, sick and disabled. "In a society where the high proportion of elderly people like Japan, skillful and healthy are the first two criteria for maids. Twendy-One is the first robot to meet two criteria. " , said professor of mechanical engineering Shigeki Sugano, head of design team.

Shigeki said the Twendy-One "oshin cat" will be released in 2015.