The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine

The life of the Mundari clan in South Sudan completely revolves around their herd of cows. They make use of all products from this animal, including urine and feces.

Picture 1 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
Tariq Zaidi photographer has spent a lot of time to record the strange but wonderful life of the Mundari clan.A Mundari man takes advantage of the anti-microbial ability of cow urine, which turns his hair orange.

Picture 2 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
A Mundari boy drinks milk straight from the cow.They have nutrition, status and source of life thanks to this species.

Picture 3 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
This man protected the precious Ankole-Watusi herd with a rifle.Each year, about 350,000 cows are stolen, and more than 2,000 people are murdered by thieves.

Picture 4 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
The woman whose face bears ritual scars of the tribe, plastered with cow dung and ash, a natural antiseptic that protects their skin from insects and sunlight.In the photo on the right, a man wakes up next to the flock and brushes his teeth with a wooden stick.

Picture 5 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
This man relaxes on the smooth, soft ash next to the dead cow dung.This ash is as smooth as talcum powder, protecting both humans and cows from the scorching heat of Sudan.

Picture 6 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
A little girl helps sheep to feed cow's milk.Not only ethnic Mundari people benefit from cows.

Picture 7 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
Mundari settlements in the evening, when the cows return.Each child knows the way back to the owner.

Picture 8 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
The man plastered the ashes on the cow to prevent night insect bites.

Picture 9 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
Mundari people move their cows across the Nile to an island, where they can graze in the next few months.

Picture 10 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
A woman of tribal bathing in the Nile in the sunset.After the civil war ended, thousands of men returned to South Sudan to find their wives, making women valuable.

Picture 11 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
The young man watched the fire and flock throughout the night.Cows are valuable assets, easy to be stolen.

Picture 12 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
A boy embraces the Ankole-Watusi cow in the middle of the camp.This white animal was dubbed the "king of cattle", with horns that could reach 2.5 meters long.

Picture 13 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
The woman cleared the land before the herd returned.They also have the task of milking cows and taking care of their children.

Picture 14 of The tribe washes their hair with cows' urine, uses manure to make medicine
Dawn on Mundari cow farm.They use rifles to guard the cattle.A cow can cost 500 USD.