The water gathers on the Phoenix explorer ship

Shallow energy and stop working from months ago, but it seems that what the Phoenix search ship has appeared: on the remaining body of the ship are condensed water droplets, a sign of life that once existed.

Several photos taken by NASA showed drops of water-like droplets clinging to one of the ship's anti-landing bars.

Nilton Renno, a professor at the University of Michigan, an Phoenix project investigator, analyzed images with his colleagues.

Picture 1 of The water gathers on the Phoenix explorer ship

The photos were taken by NASA as a basis for confirming that there were drops of water on the hull of Phoenix.

Professor Renno said, the droplets on Phoenix's hull are dark and unified in a series of photographs, most likely this liquid is water.

However, the Phoenix ship landed on the planet's northern polar plain. The temperature here is never higher than - 26 degrees Celsius within 6 months of the ship being operated, so the liquid should not appear.

However, the research team said that salt could reduce the freezing temperature of water droplets on the red planet, at - 84 to - 67 degrees Celsius, that is - 26 degrees Celsius, still exist liquid drops in liquid form.

Phoenix ship landed on Mars on May 25, 2008 and operated until November 2, 2008. Its mission is to find traces of water, the life of bacteria on Mars and study the history of the country here.

Commenting on the role of the Mars probe, Doug McCuistion, director of NASA's Mars exploration program, said: 'The Phoenix train is an important step to promote the hope that we can point out Mars once. there is life and can sustain life ".