The whirlwind of bats pours out from the most bat-like cave in the world

Many bats have spectacular performances every evening when they begin to fly out of hidden caves, forming a swirl in the night sky, according to CNN.

Many bats have spectacular performances every evening when they begin to fly out of hidden caves, forming a swirl in the night sky, according to CNN. We can see more than 30 million Mexican Freetail bats fly out from the Bracken cave gate in semicircle in Austin, Texas, USA, at the time of the Sun setting.

Bracken bat cave in Texas, USA. (Video: CNN).

"Bat lovers can see this beautiful wildlife event. Bracken Cave is the most bat-gathering place in the world. Bats fly out of the cave in the evening with millions of birds" , Mylea Bayless, director of the International Bat Conservation Organization (BCI), said.

The bats constantly flew out of the cave for hours. The number of bats is so high that it takes 3 - 4 hours before all of them fly out of the "cozy home" underground. Although bats fly out of the cave at high speed, they never collide with each other due to their distinctive echo ability. Bats were born in June and began to learn to fly in July.

Picture 1 of The whirlwind of bats pours out from the most bat-like cave in the world
Millions of bats are flying out of Bracken Cave, Texas, USA.(Photo: Abbott Nature Photography).

"Bats turn into circles like a giant tornado in the sky. They will fly to corn and cotton fields to eat insects that are harmful to plants , " Bayless said.

Bats play an important role in ecosystems. They help pollinate plants, eat harmful insects like mosquitoes, bat manure is also a valuable fertilizer.