The world's first humanized double monkey fate in China

It is considered that national treasures will not suffer the miserable life of animal protection organizations.

At the end of 2017, Chinese scientists created the world's first cloned monkeys by the method used to create Dolly sheep. Two monkeys Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua attracted worldwide attention. Scientists believe they are just the beginning of a series of monkeys cloning for medical research purposes, according to Newsweek.

Mu-ming Poo, one of the scientists who participated in the monkey cloning project, called Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua as "national treasures". But what happens to monkeys after they are no longer the focus of communication?

Human monkey monkey Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua.(Video: YouTube).

Some animal welfare organizations do not welcome monkey cloning. They assumed that Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua would suffer all their lives.

The team implanted 79 embryos for 21 pregnant pregnant monkeys, but nearly all monkeys died before birth, demonstrating the risk nature of the study. The two female monkeys carry the embryo to their birth and undergo a caesarean section to get the young one into the incubator.

But according to Poo, monkeys are very lively and will have a good life.'Most of the time they play like normal calves. They are kept in an infant incubator. They play toys and play together. We sent a nurse to care and feed them. They love that nurse very much , 'Poo said.

Poo emphasizes two normally growing monkeys and is about to have a special cage that allows them to play with other monkeys as they get older. His on-site researchers are planning to monitor their development by taking pictures of the brain to see if they continue to grow as humans in nature. They hope that future cloned monkeys can be used for medical research on brain diseases.

Although China does not yet have a national law on animal welfare, Poo shares his laboratory in compliance with the standards of the National Institutes of Health Research because their work is multinational. family.

Picture 1 of The world's first humanized double monkey fate in China
Humanized monkeys are more effective in biomedical research.

"In the United States, there is a uniform rule on how to treat monkeys. And we must follow international rules, otherwise our work will not be recognized, we will not be able to publish research. "People will not be able to come and use our facilities. To use the center, everything needs to be international and ethical , " Poo said.

Poo claims the lab will continue to take care of Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua until most of their lives, after which they will send monkeys to an internationally-certified farm, be allowed to breed and export animals to other country.

According to Poo, cloned monkeys provide greater efficacy in biomedical research. Duplicating genetically identical monkeys will be morally more logical than using ordinary monkeys.