The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday

On December 22 (local time), Columbus, Ohio (USA) Zoo staff held a 56th birthday party for Colo - the first 'gorilla' was born in a zoo and a monkey. The world's oldest captive snatch.

Picture 1 of The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday
Colo and favorite food - tomatoes, on birthdays - (Photos: AP)

Birthday party includes a special cake for Colo and many gifts, including lots of tomatoes - Colo's favorite dish. The party atmosphere is very fun when the zoo staff and guests sing the song Happy Birthday.

Colo was born at the Columbus Zoo in 1956, having three children and dozens of great-grandchildren living in zoos throughout the United States.

'The average age of gorillas is 37.4, and Colo has reached 56 - Audra Meinelt, in charge of African animals at the zoo - speaks to 10TV News - We are very fortunate because Colo is healthy special good".

Gorilla (gorilla) is a primate genus of the human family and is the largest of the primates still in existence. They have very close relatives and have human DNA up to 98-99%.

Gorillas are herbivores, consisting of two species: mountain gorillas (live on 2,200-4,200m high mountains in eastern Africa) and plain gorillas (live in dense forests, marshes and floodplains water approximate sea level in Africa).

Picture 2 of The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday
Visitors come to celebrate Colo's birthday - (Photo: AP)

Picture 3 of The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday
Colo 50 years ago - (Photo: AP)

Picture 4 of The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday

Picture 5 of The world's oldest gorilla celebrates its 56th birthday
Colo in a photo taken in 2011 (pictured above) and on December 22 birthday - (Photo: AP)