These foods help you sleep deeper

No one denies that lack of sleep at night causes many harmful consequences to human health. One of the easiest ways to counteract this problem is to adopt a diet that includes a variety of foods to help us sleep as follows.

1. Foods high in carbohydrate release slowly

Picture 1 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Foods high in carbohydrates help stabilize blood sugar and provide sustainable energy for the body.

Carbohydrate foods, which release energy from the body, can help transform a person 's sleep pattern .

Cassandra Barns nutritionist explained: " The carbohydrates release slowly like whole grains, oats or brown rice, which helps maintain your blood sugar (glucose) stability and therefore provides energy. You may not think you need a lot of energy during sleep, but your brain and body will still need glucose to stay active.If sugar levels drop too low, it can resulting in the release of adrenaline and cortisol hormones, which can easily wake you up . "

But Barns noted that foods that contain a lot of sweet sugar and refined white carbohydrates can be counterproductive, because they penetrate and leave the blood very quickly, causing low blood glucose levels to return in a short time. Therefore, in order to avoid awakening in the middle of the night, she recommends that people eat carbohydrate-rich foods that are slowly released like a serving of brown rice or rye bread, at dinner.

2. Foods high in protein

Picture 2 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Protein-rich foods are found in meat, fish, beans, seeds and nuts.

Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, beans, seeds and nuts, are also essential in supporting a better night's sleep. According to Shona Wilkinson, a leading dietitian at, protein-rich foods that provide amino acid tryptophan convert into serotonin and melatonin hormones. In particular, melatonin is especially necessary for good sleep.

Ms. Wilkinson recommends that a reasonable protein diet is about 0.8-1g per kilogram of body weight, per day. That means, a woman weighing 50kg will need to eat about 40-50g of protein a day. However, people should also avoid eating too much protein-rich foods several hours before going to bed, as they can cause indigestion, especially red meats and nuts.

3. Magnesium-rich foods

Picture 3 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Foods rich in magnesium help relax the nerves and cause drowsiness.

Unprocessed nuts and seeds like gourd seeds (pumpkin seeds), sunflower seeds, or leafy green vegetables, fish and seafood are rich in natural magnesium, making them very beneficial for sports people. awake at night. The reason is, magnesium allows the muscle fibers in our body to relax , while also participating in the maintenance of normal function of the pineal gland in the brain, the body that produces melatonin regulating hormone. awake - sleep and help us sleep .

According to Dr. Marilyn Glenville, one of the UK's leading nutritionists, people should eat 1-2 tablespoons of gourd seeds every day, possibly by adding them to non-sugar yogurt or salad or crushing. add them to oatmeal.

4. Coconut water

Picture 4 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Coconut water provides a complete source of electrolyte minerals to help sleep deeply and without interruption.

According to Cassandra Barns nutrition expert, a cup of pure coconut water, especially young coconut water, in the evening can help you relax at night. This is because coconut water is an abundant source of electrolyte minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. The balance of these minerals is essential for the normal functioning of the muscles, nerves and hydration process of the body. An imbalance or deficiency of these substances may cause cramps or restless legs (characterized by pain, numbness, .) at night, resulting in sleepless or insomnia sleep. .

5. Cherry

Picture 5 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Cherry fruit regulates the sleep cycle.

Cherry is found to contain a small amount of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep cycle . A clinical trial showed that eating cherries helps increase melatonin levels in the body as well as increase the sleep time of people.

6. Zinc-rich food

Picture 6 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Foods rich in zinc help you fall asleep easily.

Zinc is also needed for the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin and melatonin. Therefore, zinc-rich foods, such as oysters and other seafood, whole grains and nuts, will help you fall asleep more easily.

7. Types of herbal teas

Picture 7 of These foods help you sleep deeper
Herbal tea is like a tranquilizer, very useful for your night sleep.

For many people, there is nothing more soothing them than a hot cup of tea. But experts recommend that people stay away from teas that contain high levels of caffeine before going to bed, as they can cause insomnia. Instead, herbal teas with sedative effects such as chamomile tea, sweet potato root tea and passionflower tea can be very helpful for your night sleep. Experts have found that drinking these teas is associated with an increase in the release of glycine, a relaxant of nerves and muscles as well as a mild analgesic effect.