Things you don't know about Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt is advertised as a kind of 'fairy medicine' at prices dozens of times higher than regular table salt . But the truth behind makes consumers . fall back.

"Thirst" pink salt

In the past few years, "Himalayan salt" has become a product that consumers crave.

Mainly exploited at the Khewra mine in the territory of Pakistan, the "pink salt" fever has made the whole region bustle, many still liken it to "white gold" for the profit it brings.

Picture 1 of Things you don't know about Himalayan pink salt
Himalayan salt rock lamp with "miracle" healing benefits.

Himalayan pink salt is used in fine dining, therapeutic spa, or even interior decoration with extremely luxurious stone luminaires.

More than 200 million years ago, lava has submerged a part of the sea right in the Himalayan foothills. The giant salt is covered with a layer of rock and ice for a long time, preventing human-induced pollution. Therefore, the currently exploited pink salt tablets are considered to be the purest salt in the world.

Moreover, the deep underground work also helps pink salt to own more than 80 kinds of minerals, many of which are complementary to nutritional regimes such as Phosphorus, Bromine and Zinc.

The truth behind "miraculous salt"

Rene Ficek, a nutritionist at Seattle Food Center, said: "Pink salt is currently being used a lot, but its use has been" exaggerated. "In fact, the mineral content in Himalayan salt is too little to make a difference, not only that, we have always added these minerals through the daily menu through nuts, vegetables, meat . ".

Many websites claim that Himalayan salt contains 13-14% of minerals, but in fact this figure is only 3-5%.

In addition, due to manual exploitation, Himalayan pink salt is completely free of iodine essential for the body. According to Kelsey Mangano, an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts: "People think pink salt is a" multivitamin ", this is a completely wrong concept. We need very little mineral in our daily nutrition. and just need to add 8 types to avoid shortages ".

Picture 2 of Things you don't know about Himalayan pink salt
According to Jeff McGrath, a nutrition specialist at Westchester Medical Center, just following a balanced and healthy menu will not require the use of "pink salt".

And if you still wonder where the beautiful pink is from, Dr. Catherine Brennan said: "Iron oxide, also known as rust."

Some sales websites also deliberately cite "scientific reports" to increase customer confidence, but in fact, the above points are taken from the study of the effectiveness of ordinary table salt. "I could not find any valid evidence about the effect of Himalayan salt consumption" - according to Dr. Mangano.

The most typical is the commitment to "compensate electrolytes" , something that both normal salt and energy drinks can do.


Picture 3 of Things you don't know about Himalayan pink salt
Himalayan salt has just been taken out of the mine.

After all, the benefits of Himalayan salt are no different from normal table salt , not to mention the habit of "worshiping" this miraculous food also causing many people to "abuse" salt, and consume excessive salt. will increase the risk of cardiovascular, hypertension, kidney and stomach damage .

On the other hand, Himalayan salt is now mainly exploited from a mine located south of the mountain range, controlled by the Pakistani government. Khewra salt mine has been renovated into a complex tourist area, but lying deep in the mountain is still a harsh working environment.