This type of water is not coffee but helps wake up immediately: Controls blood sugar and also effectively prevents aging

This type of water is better than tonics, can prevent diabetes and respiratory diseases, and enhance immunity .

Ginseng is known as the "king of herbs" , so ginseng tea is also known for its many health benefits. According to traditional medicine, ginseng has the effect of replenishing vital energy, benefiting blood, and revitalizing the body.

Ginseng tea is made from the roots of this precious plant, outstanding for its anti-aging effects, enhancing overall health as well as stabilizing blood sugar and blood pressure. Especially when drinking ginseng tea in the morning, it helps the mind become alert and excited by providing energy to the body. 

Picture 1 of This type of water is not coffee but helps wake up immediately: Controls blood sugar and also effectively prevents aging
Ginseng has the effect of replenishing vital energy, benefiting blood, and revitalizing the body.

Besides that, ginseng tea also has other uses such as:

Supports weight loss

‏Research published in the Journal of Exercise and Rehabilitation shows that the compound ginsenoside in ginseng increases the effects of a hormone that supports digestion and suppresses appetite. Scientists also discovered that ginsenoside creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, so it can support weight loss when taken between meals.‏

Control blood sugar

‏A 2014 review of 16 different studies by scientists at the University of Toronto (Canada) concluded that people who supplemented their diet with ginseng significantly improved their fasting blood sugar levels.

Meanwhile, research by Massey University (New Zealand) shows that ginsenoside in ginseng can help stabilize insulin, control blood sugar, and improve potential complications of diabetes.

‏Beautify skin, anti-aging

‏Ginseng tea helps support healthy skin and reduces the effects of aging thanks to its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants in ginseng also protect the skin from free radicals and other harmful environmental agents such as sunlight and UV rays. ‏

‏Some studies also show that ginseng promotes hydration to help the skin have enough moisture, reduces wrinkles and enhances collagen synthesis to maintain skin elasticity. Ginseng also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce inflammation caused by acne.‏

Reduce stress, provide energy

‏A study in 6,422 older adults found that consuming ginseng regularly for at least 5 years may improve cognitive function. This is because ingredients in ginseng such as ginsenoside can protect the brain against damage caused by free radicals. Ginseng has been shown to help reduce stress, Alzheimer's disease, depression and anxiety. Drinking ginseng tea regularly also provides energy to the body thanks to abundant vitamins, helping the brain stay alert to operate more effectively.

Picture 2 of This type of water is not coffee but helps wake up immediately: Controls blood sugar and also effectively prevents aging
Consuming ginseng regularly for at least 5 years may improve cognitive function. (Illustration).‏

Enhance immunity

‏Ginseng has extremely powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Ginseng tea has been used in traditional medicine to fight colds and flu. Ginseng also stimulates phagocytic activity and antibody responses against harmful bacteria and viruses, helping to strengthen immunity. This tea helps regenerate white blood cells and nourishes many organs in the body.

Note when using ginseng tea

‏Ginseng tea is good for health, but children, infants as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use ginseng tea. Ginseng enhances the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems, increasing nervous excitement, so do not use it in the evening , so that the body can rest better.

‏At the same time, you should not use ginseng with radishes, coffee, tea and other nerve stimulants as this will reduce the effects of ginseng. People who are taking medication should consult their doctor before adding ginseng tea to their daily diet.