This type of water requires only 1 spice to effectively lower blood sugar, help sleep well, nourish the brain and also support weight loss

This drink uses one of the most expensive spices in the world, bringing many health benefits such as improving mood and good for the heart.

Saffron (or saffron pistil) is a spice derived from the saffron plant, commonly grown in Iran, India and Greece. The pistils are dark red, separated into strands and dried, adding flavor to dishes and used to make tea.

Saffron is also one of the most expensive spices in the world and is harvested by hand, requiring a large amount of dried flowers and pistils to obtain 1kg of the spice. This spice costs from 500-5000 USD/450g, according to Healthline.

Picture 1 of This type of water requires only 1 spice to effectively lower blood sugar, help sleep well, nourish the brain and also support weight loss
 Humans have been using saffron for 3,500 years for health purposes.

Many historical records show that people have used saffron since 3,500 years ago for health purposes such as improving stomach problems, menstruation, digestion. Saffron pistils contain calcium and vitamins. C, manganese, phosphorus, potassium…

One of the ways to effectively take advantage of the benefits of saffron is to make tea : use warm water about 80 degrees, add 10-15 saffron strands to a 500ml bottle of water, wait for the water to turn yellow to drink in the morning or the night before. when you go to sleep.

Below are the uses of saffron tea that have been scientifically proven.


2016 research shows that saffron can reduce blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity. The abundant amount of antioxidants in saffron also helps fight oxidative stress and improve inflammation - a cause of diabetes.

Good for cardiovascular

People in Mediterranean countries where saffron is regularly used have lower rates of heart disease than in many regions of the world. This may be due to the anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering properties of this spice. A 2021 review found that saffron may reduce hypertension and triglycerides, factors linked to heart disease.

Picture 2 of This type of water requires only 1 spice to effectively lower blood sugar, help sleep well, nourish the brain and also support weight loss
Saffron has been proven to help improve mood.

Improves mood, nourishes the brain

Saffron is proven to improve mood, helping you feel more energetic when drinking a cup of saffron tea in the morning. This tea is also effective in treating symptoms of mild to moderate depression and anti-anxiety.

Besides, saffron can also fight neurodegenerative disorders, slow down cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients, and enhance brain health and memory.

Can prevent cancer

In test-tube studies, saffron and its compounds were found to have the ability to kill colon cancer cells thanks to its antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals. This spice has also been linked to preventing cancers of the skin, bone marrow, prostate, lung, cervix, etc.

Reduces appetite, supports weight loss

In an 8-week study, saffron extract supplementation significantly reduced appetite, body mass index, waist circumference, and total fat mass. Women who use saffron tea feel fuller, snack less and lose a lot of weight.

This effect may come from the fact that the spice helps elevate mood, thereby reducing the desire to snack. Health experts advise people to combine the use of saffron with a healthy, balanced diet to achieve their desired weight.

Picture 3 of This type of water requires only 1 spice to effectively lower blood sugar, help sleep well, nourish the brain and also support weight loss
Saffron is one of the rich sources of riboflavin, which helps maintain a healthy immune system.

Boosts immunity, helps sleep well

Saffron is one of the richest sources of riboflavin, a B vitamin that helps maintain a healthy immune system. Saffron tea also contains safranal, an antioxidant that may increase antibacterial and antiviral activity in the body. Safranal has been shown to improve sleep quality, helping promote immune system function and better overall health.

In addition to the above uses, saffron also helps women feel more comfortable during menstruation, beautifies the skin, is beneficial for allergic asthma, and supports wound healing.

Note when using saffron tea

You should not use more than 1.5g of saffron to make tea every day to avoid poisoning, the best dose is 30mg. Some people may be allergic to pistils and need to test for reactions before use. Pregnant women and patients about to undergo surgery should not use saffron tea to avoid side effects.