Time to turn the car into an oven when parking in the sun

Parking outside during a hot summer day can turn the whole car into an oven, leading to dangerous syndrome like heatstroke.

To find out how long the space in the car took before it became so hot it was a deadly danger, the researchers looked at the time when different vehicles were heated under summer weather, Live Science reported yesterday. As a result, within an hour, the average temperature inside the car parked outdoors on a hot day of 35 degrees Celsius reached 47 degrees Celsius. The average temperature at the car dashboard is 69 degrees Celsius, at the steering wheel is 53 Celsius, in the seat is 51 degrees C.

Picture 1 of Time to turn the car into an oven when parking in the sun
The temperature in the car can be much higher than the outdoor temperature on a hot day.(Artwork: Sunday Times Driving).

Vehicles parked under the shade on a hot day have a lower temperature in the car but remain at a scorching level. After an hour, the temperature in the car reaches 38 degrees C. The temperature at the dashboard, steering wheel and seats are 48 degrees C, 42 degrees C and 41 degrees C, respectively.

"We all turned into the car on hot days and could hardly touch the steering wheel," said Nancy Selover, a meteorologist at the University of Arizona. "But imagine what it would be like if a child was stuck in the car seat."

The team used six cars: two small gas-saving cars, two mid-size sedans and two similar minivan. Later, they watched each pair of cars parked in the sun and shady places during three different summer days in Tempe, Arizona. Small cars that save gas heat up faster than mid-sized sedans and minivans.

"These tests simulate what could happen during a shopping trip. We want to know what each car will be like after an hour, the time it takes to finish buying food. I know the temperature. it will be very hot, but still unexpected with the surface temperature, " Selover said.

People sitting in a fast-hot car are at risk of heatstroke, which can lead to death. It is difficult to predict when heat stroke will occur mainly because it involves many factors such as age, weight and health status. But most cases occur when the body temperature rises to 40 degrees C for a long time.