Tips to help you feel confident quickly

Research by Harvard scientists has shown that small recipes help you increase your self-confidence.

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Our parents often teach that using body language in communication sessions will increase friendliness and courtesy.

However, recent research by scientists at Harvard Business School has found a way to help you increase your confidence and gain the trust of the opposite. It is a combination of facial expression and body language.

Picture 1 of Tips to help you feel confident quickly

According to some research experts, using body language does not change the way other people look at you, but sometimes changes your way of looking at yourself. Psychology calls this phenomenon a cognitive expression.

Dr. Amy Cuddy - Harvard psychologist and socialist shared that, in an interview with more than 1,000 people on what topics will help you increase confidence.

The results show that, in addition to the posture of standing upright, the eyes look directly at the opponent, along with the clear facial expressions of emotions that will help the opposite person see your confidence.

Dr. Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk at the University of California, who participated in the study, added that Amy Cuddy's study is to study body movement, standing posture will change physiological levels, such as a person will show my anger with furrowed eyebrows.

Besides, placing your arms naturally in your body, smiling or even gesturing with your hand, along with the story will help influence the mind, mood of the speaker and increase. confidence and gain trust with the opposite.

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