Toilet cum aquarium

You will feel more comfortable and relaxed every time you go to the toilet with a new toilet with an aquarium.

Picture 1 of Toilet cum aquarium


The product called Fish 'n Flush consists of a transparent fish tank that replaces the usual water tank on the toilet.

"We want to create a product that achieves two purposes - both as a functional toilet and as a source of entertainment and leisure," Devon Niccole, Marketing Manager at AquaOne Technologies in California, USA, stated.

The family-owned water equipment company has worked with a marine biologist to create a vessel to ensure the fish are not affected every time it is flushed.

This unique aquarium costs $ 299 and is suitable for all common toilets. It is easily removed for cleaning. The water bottle contains about 11 liters of water enough to relax comfortably.

"Many people think that the idea is crazy, but some people like it and parents can take advantage of this product to help them enjoy going to the toilet." , Nicole said.