Top 8 interesting things that few people know about French cuisine

The French take their food very seriously. They enjoy each meal passionately and always cherish everyday food.

Therefore, not only is known as the fashion capital of the world, but the cuisine of France is equally outstanding and unique. Here are 8 interesting and fascinating things about French culinary traditions.

1. French lunch break is very long

One of the most important things for the French is food. They love to enjoy the food and therefore their lunch can last 2 hours.

Therefore, if you go to towns or small cities in France, when you see many offices and locations closed for 2 hours at noon, do not be too surprised.

2. Snails and oysters are favorite dishes

If anyone loves French cuisine, they will surely know the name "Escargot". This is one of the famous dishes, famous all over the world of the French.

This dish uses the main ingredient of snails served with butter and parsley sauce, creating an unforgettable flavor. Oysters are also a favorite of the French. They often eat raw oysters with bread, butter, salt, pepper and lemon combined with a glass of wine.

3. Throwing away leftovers is illegal

Picture 1 of Top 8 interesting things that few people know about French cuisine
Supermarkets in France do not throw away unsold or near-expiry items.

Because of their love of food, the French never want to waste any food. Supermarkets in this country will not throw away items that are unsold or near the end of their use-by date.

They will be donated to charities to provide for the needy, living in difficult circumstances.

4. The amount of cheese consumed is huge

This is something that the French especially love and consume the most in the world. So don't be surprised to learn that there are more than 365 different cheeses here and more than 1,000 "variations" and it will take you years to try them all.

5. Love with frog legs

This is probably one of the weirdest things the French love. Cuisses de grenouilles (frog legs) are delicious dishes often eaten with bread. It is estimated that the French ate about 160 million frog legs. This dish is especially popular in eastern France, especially in the Vosges region.

6. Breakfast is not as important as lunch and dinner

Picture 2 of Top 8 interesting things that few people know about French cuisine
Their breakfast is very simple, usually croissants and coffee.

Usually in many parts of the world, breakfast is considered the most important meal. But the French culinary tradition is not like that. Their breakfast is very simple, usually croissants and coffee.

Lunch is better than breakfast, and dinner is the most important. This is the time everyone spends socializing and being with loved ones. Therefore, dinner is always taken care of and takes place over a long period of time.

7. World leading alcohol production and consumption

France is one of the largest wine producing countries in the world. As we all know, the French love their wine. Therefore, it is not surprising that each French person consumes 60 liters of alcohol in a year, more than any other country in the world.

8. Bread must be in proportion

Picture 3 of Top 8 interesting things that few people know about French cuisine
The baguette is about 65cm long and weighs 250 grams.

French baguette is so famous in the world. Baguette in French is chopsticks, long sticks. The baguette is about 65cm long and weighs 250 grams.

Many cafes and restaurants in Paris will even serve free baguettes. An estimated 10 billion pieces of bread are baked and sold in France each year. The country also enacted strict laws to regulate the production of baguettes, which must ensure the correct ratio of flour, salt and yeast and it must weigh 250 grams.