UN: dangerous climate change like war

On March 1, during his first address on global climate theme, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said climate change is also dangerous to humankind like war.

Picture 1 of UN: dangerous climate change like war

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it would bring climate change into the G8 agenda by June 2007.(Photo: AFP)

Mr. Ban urged the US to take the lead in the fight against the global warming phenomenon.

Ban also said it would emphasize this issue at the summit of the G8 industrial development group that will take place in Germany in June. The day before 600 international students in New York, Mr. Ban admitted that the UN is still focused on preventing and ending conflicts while the global threat threatens the 'climate crisis.'

According to him, as a country with the leading technology in the world, America needs to play a leading role. The US itself is also suffering from natural disasters due to climate change. On March 1, a massive storm with tornadoes hit the southeastern United States, swarming many homes and schools, killing at least 18 people.