Under the abyss of the ocean

At a depth of 2,000-5,000m, there is no light, but life still proliferates.

Picture 1 of Under the abyss of the ocean

1. This animal has a 2cm long body, but its legs are up to 15cm long! It rowed back thanks to fluffy rackets, which are long legs at the back. Belonging to the humid beetle - cloporte, it feeds hundreds of maggots in the bag in front of the stomach to eat gradually.

2. The red octopus puffed out a long, round dress like a dress, which could be covered over the whole head, turning into a miraculous glass lamp to attract tiny crustaceans.

3. Dumbo squid, named so by pig-like taps, reminds people of Pokémol comic book character! This species of squid is 20-150cm long and lives at a depth of 5,000m.

4. This worm has a head hair of up to 2m long, which is filled with 20m high pipes of the hot spring in the ocean. They spray hot poison to 350 O C.

5. Dumbo ink type 2! The ear-shaped hose helps it swim as far as . the water!