Unexpectedly revealed about the notorious Blackbeard pirate ship history

Archaeologists excavated (Black Beard) and discovered the medical equipment used by the pirate group.

is one of the most notorious pirates in the world. His real name is Edward Teach (or possibly Thatch). In 1717, Blackbeard and his group of pirates seized a French slave ship La Concorde near the island of St Vincent, the Caribbean Sea and later changed the name to "Queen Anne's Revenge". Blackbeard pirate was able to easily steal this ship when many crew members were sick or died of disease. In 1719, this infamous pirate was killed in a battle.

In 1996, Queen Anne's wreck was discovered and since then experts carried out excavations and inspections of the ship. Accordingly, archaeologists have found many artifacts, including some medical instruments. Some of these instruments are manufactured in France.

"Treatment for those who are sick and injured on boats faces challenges at the time. Those who live on boats like Blackbeard's" Revenge of Queen Anne "will have to face face with many diseases, including chronic diseases, periodic diseases, wounds, amputations, toothache, burns and some other unspecified diseases, " said archaeologist Linda Carnes-McNaughton.

Picture 1 of Unexpectedly revealed about the notorious Blackbeard pirate ship history
This is a syringe containing mercury used to treat syphilis in the early 18th century.

According to archaeologist Linda Carnes-McNaughton, one of 3 Blackbeard pirate ship doctors, Jean Dubou (or Dubois) and his assistants, requested to provide them with necessary medical equipment. The pirate Blackbeard took those devices while performing the operations. Experts have discovered needles used to bring liquid into the rectum, silver needles, scissors .

In fact, the health care of the corps is very important when the Blackbeard pirate uses the "Queen Anne's Revenge" ship to be the flagship of the pirates led by the medical group. Before that, he had released most of the French crew he had captured. However, he retained three surgeons and several important players in sea voyages such as carpenters and cooks to take care of the pirate group's life.