Universe shimmering

The horse-shaped nebula, blue comet, aurora in the sky are brilliant images of the universe. These photos are posted on the Daily Mail page.

Picture 1 of Universe shimmering
Horse Head Nebula. Dust, gas and dark-colored matter form into clusters before turning into stars and planets. Many new stars were born in this nebula.

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The dark area on the moon is made up of cold lava. Scientists call them sea because they believe they used to contain water.

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The bright area in the middle of the frame is the Centaurus-A galaxy. The stars around it are all in the Milky Way.

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Aurora is the result of interaction between charged particles from the solar wind and the upper atmosphere of the earth. We can clearly see the aurora at night, especially at high latitudes near the magnetic poles.

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Comet Holmet is a sphere of several kilometers in diameter made of ice, ice and freezing gas. Its orbit lies between Mars and Jupiter. Every 7 years it appears before our eyes once in the form of a translucent object in the sky.

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Eta Carina Nebula has a length of about 6,500-10,000 light years. A group of newborn babies lie in the middle of the frame. They burn dust and gas around them, creating a brilliant light in the center of the nebula.

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Stars leave a trail of light when the earth rotates around its axis. The lower part of the image is yellow due to the light from the street lamp.

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The two nebulae glow bright blue, causing the surrounding stars to become dim. That blue light comes from young stars (about a few million years old) in two nebulae. An older constellation (consisting of several thousand stars) is located in the upper right corner.