Upgrade the mouse intelligence

The mouse became much more intelligent thanks to the relay of human brain cells, according to new findings by American experts.

After transplanting human cells into the brain of mice, experts from the University of Rochester (USA) witnessed the ability of subjects to learn faster than their neighbors.

They found glial cells, a group of cells found in the central nervous system, that could affect the ability to communicate within the brain when implanted in animals.

Picture 1 of Upgrade the mouse intelligence
Intelligence improvements in mice can help professionals
research on brain evolution in humans

New research could play an important role in understanding the evolution of the brain in humans, according to The Huffington Post.

Experts say the evolution of a subset of glial cells, called astrocytes , may be one of the main events that lead to an increase in cognitive function in human development. , and separate us from the rest of the animals.

Neuroscientist at the University of Rochester (USA), Dr. Steven Goldman, said his team believes this is the first manifestation that glial cells in humans have unique functional advantages. animal world.

And yet, the new discovery could provide a new baseline model that allows scientists to study a wide range of critical diseases, which are thought to play a role in disease formation. .