Use coffee grounds as ink for the printer

CNET Technology has just introduced a printer that allows users to lick text if they need some caffeine to stay awake.

Although only designed on photoshop but the printer uses coffee grounds as ink is not a good idea, even with the trend of environmentally friendly technology products.

Picture 1 of Use coffee grounds as ink for the printer

The RITI printer uses coffee grounds as a toner.

A printer called RITI will grind the coffee grounds and then refill the cartridge of the machine. This compartment can move back and forth during text printing and fine coffee beans will print characters or drawings on the page.

Picture 2 of Use coffee grounds as ink for the printer

Imagine when the RITI printer worked.

This idea is well received. The article has tens of thousands of hits and many funny comments. "If you use coffee as a toner, RITI printers only print monochrome documents, and I hope somebody will think of a printer that uses fruit as a toner," says one reader. has an environmentally friendly color printer ".