Use of penicillin to treat strep throat: What should be noted?

Penicillin is considered the first drug indicated when the patient is determined to have strep throat. Drugs are less toxic but still need to use the right dose, time to avoid complications, sometimes die when used incorrectly.

Identify strep throat due to streptococcus

Streptococcus (Streptococcus) is one of the causes of sore throat called Streptococcus pyogenes or Streptococcus streptococcus group A. This bacterium causes some characteristic symptoms and is often worse than other causes of sore throat including Severe systemic complications such as nephritis of arthritis, low heart, heart valve damage. When a sore throat caused by streptococcus, a person with high fever suddenly 39 - 40 o C, can hives, abdominal pain and sometimes vomiting, especially in young children accompanied by sore throat, difficulty swallowing, speaking Voice of the county. Swollen throat enlargement and pain. Examination of the throat of the red throat, tonsils, swollen, with dirty pseudomembranous pseudomembranes. The patient was tested for bacterial identification, rapid antigen testing on swab samples to test for the presence of bacteria, including streptococci.

Picture 1 of Use of penicillin to treat strep throat: What should be noted?
Sore throat due to streptococcus.

Use penicillin antibiotic as soon as diagnosed

Specify the use of antibiotics immediately after being diagnosed with the dose depending on the patient, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, kidney function, weight, age . Antibiotics used in this case is penicillin G. This is an antibiotic belonging to the beta group - lactam, a water-soluble powder for injection, tablets of 200,000 units for drinking. Penicillin G kills bacteria by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. However, this effect is reduced by penicillinase and beta - other lactamases.

Penicillin G is not stable in acidic environment, so it is not absorbed by the oral route. Oral bioavailability is only about 15-30%. Therefore, penicillin G is mainly given by injection and is best administered intravenously.Benzylpenicillin rapidly enters the blood after intramuscular saline dissolves in water and usually reaches the highest concentration within 15-30 minutes. Plasma half-life of about 30-50 minutes in normal patients, the dose for patients over 60 years old should be reduced by about 50% compared to the adult dose, because kidney function is reduced. Benzylpenicillin is metabolized and rapidly excreted in the renal tubules into urine sugar.

Be careful when using penicillin

People who are allergic to penicillins are contraindicated with this drug. Besides, caution should be exercised when the high dose of penicillin sodium is used can lead to decreased blood potassium and sometimes hypernatremia. Use with diuretics to keep potassium. Use medication with patients with impaired renal function, can cause brain irritation, seizures and coma. May occur hypersensitivity to the skin when exposed to antibiotics, should be careful to avoid direct contact with the drug. Particular caution is required when using benzylpenicillin in high doses for people with epilepsy. For pregnant women use only when absolutely necessary. Because penicillin is excreted in milk, caution should be exercised when breastfeeding, because of the effects of antibiotics in general on young children such as allergies, changes in the intestinal flora.

Picture 2 of Use of penicillin to treat strep throat: What should be noted?
Streptococcus causes sore throat.

Does penicillin have side effects?

Penicillin has low toxicity, but is a significant hypersensitivity agent, the most common is skin reaction, approximately 2% of patients treated. Local reactions at the injection site are also common with erythema manifestations, thrombophlebitis. Side effects are less common with eosinophilia, cutaneous urticaria, rare anaphylactic or anemia anemia, leukopenia. The symptoms of brain such as epilepsy can be seen, especially in patients with reduced renal function over age 60 and newborns should consider reducing penicillin dose and anticonvulsant therapy.

Cases of overdose can cause adverse neurological reactions such as seizures, paralysis and death. When overdose, stop taking drugs, symptomatic treatment and support as required. Penicillin G potassium can be removed through artificial dialysis. Use antibiotics for 2 consecutive weeks under the supervision of an ear, nose and throat doctor to avoid possible complications.