Use satellites to send love letters into space

Picture 1 of Use satellites to send love letters into space

Astro president Mitsuteru introduced Astro personal satellite.( Photo: AFP )

In ancient times, people often put messages in bottles and float on the river. Today, Japan facilitates people to buy personal satellites to send loving messages to the universe.

Astro Research said that with $ 880,000, users will have the opportunity to own a satellite flying around the earth at an altitude of 600 km - 800 km from the sea.

The satellite will fly to Japan twice daily and customers will be notified by mobile phone or e-mail to track.

" So far, people still think satellites are a luxury they don't dare to dream of ," said Ichro Koike, Astro's CEO. " But the universe is always a lot of secrets and people often feel romantic when thinking about it. We just want ordinary people to be able to 'personalize' space ."

Astro's satellite weighs 20 kg and contains a small aluminum alloy cube to preserve users' messages about 20-30 years before falling and burning in space.