Use wolf urine to ... avoid traffic accidents

Wolf urine and lion roar are being used by transport-transport management companies in northern Japan to prevent traffic accidents caused by deer.

On the island of Hokkaido, the second largest island in northern Japan, there are about 650,000 deer and deer. With such a large number, they often cause problems for people such as destroying crops, adversely affecting public transport systems. According to statistics, the number of deer-borne accidents in this area has doubled in the past ten years.

Picture 1 of Use wolf urine to ... avoid traffic accidents
Deer herd on Hokkaido Island, Japan.(Photo: Getty Imagine)

Under such a situation, Japanese transport-transport management companies have devised a "unique" way to chase these troublesome animals. Knowing that deer are very afraid of wolves, they decided to import urine from this species from the United States and sprayed it near traffic works. However, this is only a temporary solution because the ' much used medicine' will also be 'greasy'.

A spokesperson for Nexco East, a Hokkaido highway management company, said: "We increased the height of the fence from 1.5m to 2.5m but sometimes they were broken by heavy snow. These new measures are only used during fence repair and work for a month because deer will get used to the smell. "

Meanwhile, Hokkaido Railway Company (Hokkaido Railway Co) has come up with a great and much less expensive method. This company often gives out the roar of lions to frightened deer, away from traffic routes. Earlier this year, Hokkaido Railway Co built a series of radio stations to roar lions along their railways through the area.

It is known that deer deer in Hokkaido were nearly wiped out in the early 20th century because of excessive hunting and extreme winter. But they have recovered strongly over the past time due to the conservation efforts of local agencies and the extinction of native wild wolves.