Vaccines prevent Ebola virus

One of the most dangerous diseases in the world caused by Ebola virus can be prevented thanks to American and Canadian scientists. They have successfully tested several samples of Ebola vaccine in primates and are looking for ways to use it for humans.

Dr. Anthony Sanchez, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, will introduce the Ebola vaccine development process on March 31 at the 162th meeting of the Great Microbiology Community. The outline takes place this week at the Edinburgh International Conference Center.

'Biological hazards caused by Ebola virus cannot be overlooked. We are witnessing more and more outbreaks of this disease occurring naturally to humans. Travel and air travel around the world can spread this virus to the most remote places on Earth. It is also a potential danger as a bioterrorism weapon. Surely we need a protective vaccine. '

Currently there are more than 1500 cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in humans. The disease starts very suddenly and symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, joint muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Rash, red eyes and hemorrhage may also occur. Ebola hemorrhagic fever has a mortality rate of about 90% in humans.

Picture 1 of Vaccines prevent Ebola virus

Ebola virus (Photo: vietsciences)

Because Ebola virus is so dangerous, producing and testing vaccines is a big challenge for scientists. The key to slowing down this process is that there are only a limited number of highly preventive facilities and staff with the ability and authority to conduct research.

Dr. Sanchez said 'Ebola virus is a biological risk at an alarming rate of four, along with many other dengue viruses. In addition to difficulties in equipment and staff, virus vaccines such as Ebola, Marburg and Lassa fever are also difficult to produce because simple viruses are eliminated only to cause an antibody reaction from ineffective blood. For these viruses we need to receive a type of cell-mediated response, which causes the body to produce killer T cells before the immune system is strong enough to prevent or wipe out the infection. '

Scientists have used various recombinant DNA methods, allowing them to cause a cell-mediated response and produce an effective vaccine for non-human primates. One of the potential vaccines will be tested on humans for the first time after having undergone first-stage medical testing in the fall of 2006.

'Infection with Ebola virus in humans can have a very high death rate, but monkeys rarely survive the infection and can be very effective. The Ebola vaccine trial on non-human primates has yielded clear results and accelerated the rapid development of protective vaccines. Successful human testing means that we can vaccinate health care workers and other important employees when Ebola dengue outbreaks, helping us protect their lives and control the spread of the disease. '

The US team hopes that the findings from their work will provide important insights to improve or promote the development of other vaccines for viruses that cause dengue fever such as Marburg, agents such as HIV and bird flu.