Video: 15,000 sharks on Florida waters

Beaches in southern Florida (USA) are closed for anyone to swim because thousands of sharks gather very close to the coast. An estimated 15,000 sharks are migrating north in the Atlantic ocean currents.

Every year, these sharks migrate south in the winter and then return to the north when summer comes.

Shark researcher Steve Kajiura of Florida Atlantic University said that during the January-February period, sharks only swim less than 20 meters away from the average person.

'Thousands of sharks are swimming in this sea, but there have been no reports of a shark bite at Palm Beach. Our data show that such large sharks migrate from January to February, but this year may be later because the weather and water are warmer , 'Kajiura said.

Palm Beach is one of the areas where the most biting sharks occur. But this year, the number of shark bites is still low, despite the sharks' migration season.