Video: Famous phenomenon of overflowing ravines in America

Images taken over time depict the entire cloud reversal process - a rare phenomenon in the Grand Canyon, USA.

Grand Canyon or Grand Canyon is a steep ravine created on the banks of the Colorado River, located almost in the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (USA).

The sunlight only shone in the valley of the Grand Canyon for a moment, so the air at the bottom was quite cold. This is the opposite of most places on Earth when the air temperature on the ground is warmest and it cools down when it comes up. In fact, that's why we often see clouds in the sky, not on the ground.

Picture 1 of Video: Famous phenomenon of overflowing ravines in America
Cloudy phenomenon reversed in Grand Canyon.

The phenomenon of cloud reversal in the Grand Canyon is a result of the warmer air above being locked up in the cooler air in the canyon. When the air has moisture will create clouds trapped inside cold air.

This incident is extremely rare in the Grand Canyon, occurring on average once a year. Completely rare cloud reversal in the Grand Canyon, occurs on average once a year. Fortunately, a project called Skyglow has retained this process while implementing a global campaign to reduce light pollution.

Beautiful reversible cloudy phenomenon breathless in the Grand Canyon.