Video: How to deal with injuries when the elevator suddenly falls

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, point out that quickly lying on the floor can help reduce the consequences of tremors when the elevator falls suddenly.

According to Business Insider, elevator is one of the most popular and useful means in today's life. According to estimates, there are about two million elevators operating in the United States. Each one serves 20,000 passengers per year. Elevator is a device with a high safety index, so the accidents caused by elevator cable breaks rarely occur because most current elevator systems are strictly tested before being put into use.

Picture 1 of Video: How to deal with injuries when the elevator suddenly falls
Elevators are one of the most popular and useful means in today's life.

The elevators of international standard have mechanical brakes and electric brakes clamped tightly when there is a cable breakdown. However, in some unfortunate circumstances, elevators with broken cables and falling at a height of tens or even hundreds of meters will cause dangerous tremors for people inside.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, recommend that the best way in this situation is to quickly lay out in the center of the floor to disperse the force acting on the entire body. In this way we can minimize the injury that occurs when the elevator collides with the ground.