Video: Strange looking at wolves crying like people

Dogs are animals that are affectionate with humans, but so much that catastrophic crying on the grave of a deceased dog like Wiley is not much.

The video clip was posted on Youtube by a member named Sarahverley13 and was quickly received by many viewers. In this video, the wolf-carrying dog named Wiley is lying on a grave, shaking her head and making sounds like sobbing, while everyone is standing around it.

The clip is also available on the Lockwood Animal Rescue Center, Ventura County, California, USA, a center specializing in the care of wolf and horse puppies. According to this website, Gladys is a member and supporter of this rescue center.

Wiley is a dog that helps veterans return from the battle to escape the state of psychological instability after trauma.

Answering questions from YouTube users, Sarahvarley said: ' I can say that before and after that, the dog Wiley has never done anything like this.'