Cure night crying in children

Crying at night is a common phenomenon in newborns, during the day children are normal but cry at night. Folk is often called " crying ".

Crying night - What is crying in the stomach?

According to Oriental Medicine: The phenomenon of night crying often occurs in children under 6 months of age, called " Primary baby ". Every night when the child starts crying, anxious, sleepless; or a child sleeping peacefully sometimes suddenly, waking up, crying. Many children cry each time, when they stop crying, but there are also cases of crying babies throughout the night. When morning came, the child stopped crying and began to fall asleep.

Picture 1 of Cure night crying in children Crying at night is the phenomenon of babies crying each time, crying at the time of stopping, but there are cases of crying babies all night long.

According to modern medicine: The phenomenon of night crying often occurs in children under 6 months of age due to increased intestinal motility. Normally, intestinal peristalsis is not painful, but suddenly because a certain factor causes an increase in intestinal motility, causing severe abdominal pain that causes the baby to cry and stop the attack.

The crying time usually lasts from 5 minutes to 30 minutes and can be repeated every night, during the day children still eat and sleep well. The crying may be very intense but not dangerous. When the baby is more than 6 months old, the intestinal motility is complete, the child will return to normal.

According to doctors, nocturnal crying can be released in most young children. However, there are only a few cases of true miscarriages, most of them crying due to pathological conditions such as rickets or intestinal disease.

What is the cause of miscarriage phenomenon?

Gastrointestinal crying is often due to the fact that every day children are not adequately cared for, sleeping and sleeping without a certain time , during the day or before sleeping, it causes nervous tension, stimulation is too strong. Young children with rickets and malnutrition often cry. According to Dong Y, crying in the stomach is mainly due to " spirit " is not fully developed, adaptability is weak, easy to be stimulated by outside stimuli. Some other causes are the heat mind (heat-prone organ), the damaged spleen (cold stomach, weak digestive function .)

Crying, crying, crying and crying because of illness

As mentioned above, miscarriage usually occurs in children under 6 months of age due to increased intestinal motility. When the baby is more than 6 months old, the intestinal peristalsis is complete, the child will return to normal, the miscarriage will end. However, if the crying of the baby lasts longer or pulls along the abnormal expression, parents need to think immediately about the problem of crying due to pathology. Children who cry a lot at night may be a sign of rickets . This disease often makes children tired, uncomfortable, and disturbed by crying for a long time. The reason may be because the child's diet is not guaranteed or children are cared for in a closed room, lack of light, so they are deficient in vitamin D.

In addition, crying may also be a manifestation of a bowel incubation . Babies cry violently, may be accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, crying, screaming, sucking, sucking, and bleeding. In this case, parents need to take the baby to emergency immediately.

Therefore, mothers need to distinguish the phenomenon of crying from the stomach and crying due to pathology in children. In addition to crying, children are still healthy, eating, sleeping normally so you don't need to be too alarmed. But if you see children with signs of anorexia, sweating, especially sweat mixed . parents should take their children to check for disease.

How to care for babies crying in the stomach

According to modern medicine: There is no certain method to calm the crying. The most important thing is when coaxing babies, they always keep calm and comfortable. If your baby cries, you need to make sure your child is not hungry. It should be kept in a spacious and quiet room for children to rest. For children to stop crying, mothers can do some of the following:

  1. Use milk bottles that keep children from swallowing too much air
  2. Sit your child while feeding
  3. Hold a child in your arms, hold a baby or carry him in front
  4. Put children in a stroller
  5. Give children a warm bath
  6. Put the child in the swinging cradle
  7. Keep towels warm for children
  8. Massage your baby's belly

According to Oriental medicine:

The damaged spleen (cold stomach, poor digestion)

Expression: The baby cries at night, cries or stretches, sweats and sweats. Young skin is usually pale, often tired, tired, sleepy, cold mouth and breath, cold belly, pain, loss of appetite, loose bowel, clear urination, long, pale tongue, white tongue moss thin. It is necessary to use drugs that have a " moderate temperament " effect (warming, strengthening digestion).

Picture 2 of Cure night crying in children
Give your child warm fresh ginger juice before going to bed.

  1. Fresh ginger 5g, red sugar 15g. Ginger is washed, peeled off, sliced, put in porcelain cups, pour boiling water into the brakes for about 5 minutes, then stir the red sugar to stir, divide to drink during the day and before going to bed.
  2. Onion 5 to 10 tubers, leave both tubers and roots, washed, cut short, glutinous rice 25g, fresh ginger 3 slices. Rice is clean, put in a pot, add water to cook porridge, when the porridge is cooked for onion and ginger is added for a little while to boil again. Divide to children to eat during the day.
  3. White gong (golden star) 6g, is ginseng 8g, serving Linh 6g, licorice 3g. Sac took the water and let the children drink water instead.

Thermodynamic form (temperature in Tam organ)

Expression: Children cry at night, crying loudly, red face, pink lips, mouth and hot breath, often fidgety, restless apple, red urine, red tongue, thin yellow moss. Need to cool Heart and cooling.

  1. Leaves with 6g of spring rolls, fish lettuce 8g, 12g cheeks, 2 slices of fresh ginger, sharp water, and children drink water instead of water during the day.
  2. Dang Tam Thao (grass wick lamp) 15g, sharp to take 2 water, combine 2 countries, divided into 2 times for children to drink in the day. Wick plants grow wild everywhere, often in wet places. Autumn cut the whole tree back, slit it vertically to get its own core, bunch it into bundles, dry it to use it gradually to make medicine.
  3. 5g bamboo leaves, 25g glutinous rice. How to make and use: Sac bamboo leaves, squeeze water, put rice to cook porridge for children to eat during the day.

The form of fear of insecurity (crying at night due to fear)

Expression: The baby cries at night, the night falls or suddenly wakes up and cries, often shyness, or fear, a pinkish tongue, thin white moss. Healing: Peace of mind.

Picture 3 of Cure night crying in children
Use lotus seeds to cure crying during the night due to fear in children.

  1. Lotus seeds are about 20 seeds, so that the mind and mind take water, divided into 2 times for children to drink in the day, can add a little sugar for easy drinking.
  2. Cicadas (East y called " meditation retreat ", " y meditation ") 3-5 g, remove head and legs, sharpen water, give children water changes during the day. Or cicada carcasses dried, crushed into fine powder, distilled into the bottle gradually. At night, take ten peppermint tops, simmer, boil water, to nearly cool, mix 2 - 3 g of cicadas powder, give them little by little, every few drops, do not rush to drink many at a time.

Some ways to use external medicine

  1. Betel leaves are not placed on the stove for warm, incubated in the young navel, then carried into the heart, incubating the belly into the womb, so that the mother's warmth is passed on to the child, a little later the child will stop crying and sleep. Very good effect for the case of crying babies in the form of damaged spleen.
  2. The plump seeds are 7-9 seeds, crushed, mixed with warm water into a paste. Before putting your baby to sleep, take medicine powder onto the navel, fix the bandage. Suitable for all types of small children who cry. If you can not find a persistent nut around the house, you can buy it at a Oriental medicine store.
  3. In places where silkworms are raised, it is advisable to pick up the natural silkworms that die hard (due to a bacterium infection), curl, white or slightly speckled white, dried, put into jars of used stoppers gradually. Folk called that kind of silkworm is " lime silkworm ", Eastern medicine is called " white diamond ", " erection ", " erect ", " celestial " . When children suffer from crying during the night, before going to sleep , take some silkworms, put them in a pounding bowl, mix with a little wine, warm for warmth, cover the child's two soles, then fix the tape or bandage. Suitable for all types of small children who cry.

Picture 4 of Cure night crying in children
Treatment of night crying in newborns helps children to eat quickly.