The act of 'crying for beauty' is only available in humans

Not only is the function of keeping eyes moist, crying is also a means for people to express their emotions before language appears, according to a prestigious British scientist.

Michael Trimble, professor of neurology at the University of London (UCL), wrote a book entitled 'Why do people like to cry?' to try to solve the mystery of why humans are the only species in the animal kingdom that shed tears of suffering.

According to the author, the book mentions a series of aspects of emotional crying, examining physiological factors as well as the evolutionary history of this phenomenon.

Biologically, tears are needed for moisturizing the irises. They contain proteins and other substances that keep our eyes healthy as well as fight infection.

Picture 1 of The act of 'crying for beauty' is only available in humans
In the animal kingdom, humans are the only species crying for emotion. (Artwork: Corbis)

In other animals, watery eyes seem to be biological, but in humans, the phenomenon of crying also has tremendous significance.

Professor Trimble said: 'People cry for many reasons. However, crying for emotional causes and crying for aesthetic experiences is unique to humans.

In terms of emotion, people often cry the most because of loss or loss of loved ones. In terms of artistic enjoyment, the tears of people often associated with music, literature and poetry.

There are very few people who cry when they admire the pictures, sculptures or buildings that impress them. However, people also shed tears of joy, though the emotions associated with it often happen shorter than crying in other circumstances. '

Professor Trimble expressed hope, his work will help people, especially men, escape the feeling of being afraid of being seen by others. According to him, crying is a natural reaction to suffering as well as showing compassion to others.

Researching human cry phenomenon from the perspective of neurology, Professor Trimble said, the tears of emotion certainly appear at a time of human evolution. He believes that emotional crying occurs when people start to realize themselves and those around them.