Why are people and elephants crying?

People cry when they realize the joy and sadness of life. Crying elephants are what we call them because they have a sad face.

Picture 1 of Why are people and elephants crying?
Photo: tristarkarate.com

The eyes of all mammals have lacrimal glands that secrete tears to lubricate the cornea, wetting and leaching dirt into the eyes. However, only humans and elephants can cry with profound tears.

But it seems that only in humans, crying is the manifestation of the birth of the psychological state (due to sadness, suffering, loss or happiness, broken in happiness .).

Scientists said that elephants also shed tears, but we do not yet know the state of their feelings and minds when "pouring out". Maybe we call 'crying' because elephants have . sad faces.

According to Michael Trimble's book, Why People Like to Cry, ' a doctor specializing in neurology, crying develops with the intellectual development of humans. People cry when they realize bi, comedy of life.

In addition, Trimble also revealed that crying is a useful action for human health because it causes the hormonal system to release many hormones that have analgesic and sedative effects.