Video: The baby salamander miraculously escapes the pursuit of snakes

Life is full of challenges and difficulties. To succeed, you will have to overcome all those challenges. You just really failed to give up.

A beautiful day at the beautiful island of Fernandina, the iguana fled her mother to hang out. He was so playful that he did not realize he was lost in the territory of the carnivorous snakes. The full-sized snake-like antler turned a hungry gaze towards the innocent, wandering salamander.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of snakes encircled it, slowly crawling toward the baby salamander. The snakes are trying to give this lost prey the most disastrous end.

Picture 1 of Video: The baby salamander miraculously escapes the pursuit of snakes
The poison snake quickly crawled down beside the baby salamander.(Photo taken from the clip).

There was no other way, the salamanders took all their energy to run toward the high cliff where his mother was standing.

Immediately the malevolent snakes speeded up, crawled fast and hard enough to shove the stones around to try to grab the prey. There was a time when I was surrounded by nearly a dozen snakes. But then like a miracle, he escaped and continued running towards the cliff.

Sharp teeth full of venom followed him, but they all slipped. With his determination, the baby salamander has climbed to the high cliff to reunite with his beloved mother.

Living in your life is inevitable. However, study the salamanders on your best, try your best. You just failed to give up.